Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Kiser Trial Continues....

      Stahl was beginning to drive home his point of Mrs. Boston’s mental instability. Prosecutor Mead couldn’t let his star witness be nullified without a fight. And fight they did. The opposing lawyers seemed to be close to blows on several occasions throughout the trial.  At one point, the opposing attorney’s were beginning to lose patience with each other, and it wasn’t long until things came to a head. While Mrs. Boston was on the witness stand, Stahl asked if it was true that on December 16, while being interviewed by Prosecutor Mead, she was experiencing one of her “spells,” and she was tied to her bed. Mead took exception to the question and strongly stated it wasn’t true. Attorney Stahl snapped back, stating he could prove it was true, and Mrs. Boston’s daughter, Helen, would testify to the fact. Mead shot back stating that if she did she was a liar and would perjure herself. Stahl quickly responded that he would believe Mead a liar before he would believe it of Helen Boston. This prolonged outburst caused cooler heads to prevail. Judge Garver calmed the men down with this level-headed statement, “if counsel on either side has been doing anything improper there is a remedy and a proper course to pursue.” With Judge Garver’s sobering remark the two men once again settled down to business.
     Day two of the trial was another packed house in the courtroom. Mrs. Boston was still on the stand telling all she claimed to know of the circumstances surrounding Mrs. Kiser’s death.
     Mrs. Boston was prepared with new statements that would add plenty of fuel to the fire of the prosecution. She claimed that Kiser had presented her with jewelry on several occasions. She also claimed that plans were discussed for Josh Kiser and herself to live in the Buchanan street home after their marriage. Boston further stated that when Kiser heard authorities were planning to exhume his wife’s body, Kiser told her that he was very concerned that poison would be found in her system.
     While Mrs. Boston is testifying that she and Josh Kiser were spending time together, insinuating an affair of sorts, she would now testify that she was also friendly with Mrs. Kiser. Did Mrs. Boston consider herself a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Or, was she delusional and living in a fantasy world? Attorney Stahl, of the defense,  was sure of the latter, and he was determined to prove it.

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